Non Human Zone

NON HUMAN ZONE is the project of Austrian artist Edgar Honetschläger unveiled at Museo e Real Bosco di Capodimonte, in collaboration with Quartiere Intelligente, on the occasion of the 18th AMACI Day of the Contemporary.

The Museo e Real Bosco di Capodimonte has identified near the Vaccheria building a Zone to be de-anthropized in which human beings are invited to remain on the margins. This zone has been surrounded by signs with QR codes prompting visitors to the park to visit the ONG GoBugsGo, founded by the artist, and become “Buggies” (members), thus enabling them to identify other lands and protect them by raising awareness of the importance of insects to the natural ecosystem and the need for areas where they can live and reproduce without human interference (the Non-Human Zones).

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